If you are in need of more food to supplement your groceries, our food pantry may help. You can shop through our pantry to find the food that is right for you and your family. You may come once a week to shop and a second time on Friday afternoons for a box of fresh produce from the Cupertino Farmers Market.
Anyone living in the service area can call 408-255-8033 for an appointment to see if they qualify for services. West Valley Community Services (WVCS) serves residents living in the following zip codes: 95014, 95030, 95032, 95033, 95044, 95070, 95129, and 95130, as well as those who are homeless. All applicants must bring copies of the following documentation to their appointment:
Photo ID for all adults in the household (including children over 18)
Birth certificates for all children in the household. Or any other official document with your child’s name and birthdate
Current rental agreement including the rental address, names of adults on the lease, and signature of both landlord and tenant
PG&E bill (or other official mail sent to the current address) within the past 30 days
Proof of all income sources within the past 30 days
Any other supporting documents that pertain to the current situation (proof of emergency, bills, 3-day notice, etc.)
If this is your first time visiting, you may use the pantry one time before becoming a client. We ask that you review our pantry guidelines here first so that you are familiar with how to use the pantry.
Food Pantry
Emergency Financial Assistance
If you are struggling to pay your rent, move-in deposit, mortgage, or PG&E we may be able to help. The purpose of this one-time financial assistance is to provide temporary cash assistance to those who are at risk of being evicted from their current living situation, help move clients into permanent housing and to prevent utility shut off.
Call 408-255-8033 to meet with one of our Case Managers to see if you are eligible. We will try to see emergency financial assistance appointments within 24 hours, however, even if approved, checks may take a few days to be sent directly to your landlord.
You must live within our zip code service area of: 95014, 95030, 95032, 95033, 95044, 95070, 95129, 95130, and homeless to apply for assistance.
All applicants must bring copies of the following documentation to their appointment:
Photo ID for all adults in the household (including children over 18)
Birth certificates for all children in the household
Current rental agreement including the rental address, names of adults on the lease, and signature of both landlord and tenant
PG&E bill (or other official mail sent to the current address) within the past 30 days
Proof of all income sources within the past 30 days
Any other supporting documents that pertain to the current situation (proof of emergency, bills, 3-day notice, etc.)
If you are homeless and looking for support, our case managers can help. Our Haven to Home Program (HTH) offers support services for homeless clients working towards stability. Case managers work closely with clients by providing access to resources such as food, transportation, toiletries, and other items to help you get back on your feet. Call 408-255-8033 to set up an appointment.
When you meet with our Case Managers, they may use a screening questionnaire to enter your information into the county community queue for various housing programs throughout the county such as Permanent Supportive Housing and Rapid Rehousing. For more information, please see the the County website https://www.sccgov.org/sites/osh/continuumofcare/coordinated-assessment/pages/home.aspx
Anyone who is currently homeless can schedule an appointment to meet with a Case Manager. Please bring a photo ID and proof of income if available.
Homeless Services
Affordable Housing
Housing in Santa Clara County is expensive and finding affordable housing can be a challenge. Our Housing Specialist can help you be the first to know when waiting lists open and help you with the application process. In order to meet with the Housing Specialist, you must first meet with a Case Manager to become a client and receive a referral. This program is only intended for housed clients who need to find more affordable housing. Call 408-255-8033 to set up an appointment.
CalFresh / Food Stamps
CalFresh is for people with limited income who meet federal income eligibility rules and want to add to their budget to put healthy and nutritious food on the table. You can sign up in our office rather than driving to Senter road in San Jose. We have appointments on the 1st Thursday of each month from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 3rd Tuesday of each month from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please call 408-255-8033 for an appointment. You do not need to be a client of West Valley Community Services to meet with the CalFresh Worker.
To learn more about CalFresh please review their website: http://www.cdss.ca.gov/food-nutrition/calfresh
To learn more about eligibility for this program please visit: http://www.cdss.ca.gov/inforesources/CDSS-Programs/CalFresh/Eligibility-and-Issuance-Requirements
Please be sure to bring the following to your appointment:
• Identification (Driver’s License, State ID card, passport).
• Where you live (a rental agreement, a current bill with your address listed).
• Social Security Numbers (see note below about certain noncitizens).
• Money in the bank for all the people in your household (recent bank statements).
• Earned income of everyone in your household for the past 30 days (recent pay stubs,
a work statement from an employer). NOTE: If self-employed, income and expense or
tax records.
• Unearned income (Unemployment benefits, SSI, Social Security, Veteran’s benefits,
child support, worker’s compensation, school grants or loans, rental income, etc.).
• Lawful immigration status ONLY for noncitizens applying for benefits (an Alien
Registration Card, visa). NOTE: Certain noncitizens applying for immigration status
based on domestic violence, crime prosecution or trafficking may not need this proof.
They also may not need a Social Security Number.
Medi-Cal is a program that offers free or low-cost health coverage for children and adults with limited income and resources. If you qualify, you can enroll in Medi-Cal year-round. You can sign up in our office. We have appointments on the 1st Thursday of each month from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 3rd Tuesday of each month from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.. Please call 408-255-8033 for an appointment.
For more information on eligibility, visit https://www.coveredca.com/medi-cal
Please be sure to bring the following to your appointment:
• Identification (Driver’s License, State ID card, passport).
• Where you live (a rental agreement, current bill with your address listed).
• Social Security Numbers (see note below about certain noncitizens).
• Money in the bank for all the people in your household (recent bank statements).
• Earned income of everyone in your household for the past 30 days (recent pay stubs, a
work statement from an employer). NOTE: If self-employed, income and expense or tax
• Unearned income (Unemployment benefits, SSI, Social Security, Veteran’s benefits, child
support, worker’s compensation, school grants or loans, rental income, etc.).
• Lawful immigration status ONLY for noncitizens applying for benefits (an Alien Registration
Card, visa). NOTE: Certain noncitizens applying for immigration status based on domestic
violence, crime prosecution or trafficking may not need this proof. They also may not need
a Social Security Number.
Bus Passes
Reduced-cost VTA passes called Transit Assistance Passes (TAP) are available for $25 a month (a $50 savings) to clients. TAP passes are sold starting on the last Tuesday of each month until we run out. Please be sure to bring exact change. Please call 408-255-8033 for further information.
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax help to people who generally make $56,000 or less, persons with disabilities and limited English speaking taxpayers who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns. IRS-certified volunteers provide free basic income tax return preparation with electronic filing to qualified individuals. You do not need to be a client of West Valley Community Services to qualify. This service is generally available from January to April. Please call 408-255-8033 for more information. Learn more about the VITA program here: https://www.irs.gov/individuals/free-tax-return-preparation-for-you-by-volunteers
Free Tax Prep
Cake 4 Kids
Through this free program, children age one to seventeen may order a cake with their desired theme in time for their birthday. Cake4Kids is powered by an amazing and compassionate group of volunteers. West Valley Community Services is in partnership with Cake4Kids to bring joy and happiness to our clients' families. This program is for current WVCS clients. Make sure to register as a client at least one month before your child’s birthday to enroll in this program. Call 408-255-8033 to learn more about this program. To learn more about the program and see some of the amazing cakes, click here.
Computer Lab
We have four computers available with high-speed internet. On Tuesday mornings from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, we have a volunteer available to help with basic computer skills or resume help. No appointment is necessary.
Cupertino Parks & Recreation
This fee waiver assistance is for specified classes through Cupertino’s Parks and Recreation department. Applicant must apply through WVCS who will evaluate and determine applicant’s ability to afford the recreation program of interest. Applicant must provide a reason for the need of the fee waiver assistance. This fee waiver is available for applicants living in Cupertino or those who attend school in the Cupertino district and are under the age of 18 years old. One fee waiver is available for each child of the certified household and each child is able to receive one fee waiver of up to $150 each fiscal year.
Summer Camp
(Scholarships and Fee Waivers)
Summer camp scholarships are available for children age 5 to 17 y.o. We are working with numerous partner organizations, however, availability is dependent on our respective partners. These scholarships are available to children of current clients. Summer camps offer activities such as learning in nature, sports camps, and camps for children with special needs. Some applications fees may apply.
Back 2 School
Getting your child ready for the new school year isn’t easy. We are here to help. Through our Back-to-School Program, each child is partnered with a volunteer chaperone to shop for back-to-school clothes. Children will also receive a backpack filled with school supplies appropriate for their school grade. Registration for this event takes place in May. The event will be held in August for school-aged children entering kindergarten to 12th grade in high school. This program is for WVCS clients. Make sure to become a client prior to June to participate in this program. Call 408-255-8033 to learn more.
Thanksgiving Basket
Receive a basket filled with items to make a thanksgiving meal along with either a turkey, chicken, or vegetarian option. Registration will be held in October and the program takes place in November, the week before thanksgiving. This program is for WVCS clients. Make sure to become a client prior to October to participate in this program. Call 408-255-8033 to learn more.
Gift of Hope
(Holiday Gift Distribution)
Let us make your holiday season special. During the event, families receive items they requested such as jackets, blankets, pillows, microwaves, and vacuums. Gift of hope takes place in December and registration is in October. This program is for WVCS clients. Make sure to become a client prior to October to participate in this program. Call 408-255-8033 to learn more.
Swimming Lessons
If your child is new to swimming, this is a great opportunity for them to learn. We offer one-time scholarships for beginning swim classes. Children cannot have taken swimming before. Children must be between the ages of 3-18 years old. In order to receive a scholarship, you must first meet with a Case Manager to become a client and receive a referral. Call 408-255-8033 to learn more.