Community Access to Resources and Education

Partially Sponsored by:
George H. Sandy Foundation

The WVCS CARE program provides safety net services for low-income households in the West Valley areas of Cupertino, Saratoga, Los Gatos, and West San Jose. CARE helps low-income families and seniors escape poverty towards self-sufficiency and better health outcomes. This goal is achieved through an array of services provided to our clients: Emergency Financial Assistance for Rent and Utility, Access to WVCS Market for Nutrition and groceries, including fresh fruits and vegetables, Mobile Park-It Market, Case Management, connecting clients to public benefits like Calfresh, Medical and Medicare, Offering Workshops and Clinics providing resources and addressing needs of the clients.
West Valley Community Services serves the following zip codes: 95014, 95030, 95032, 95033, 95044, 95070, 95129, 95130.
​Please call 408-255-8033 for questions and to book an appointment.
New Client Process
Walk-ins are not recommended. Please wait for someone to contact you for an assessment.
Eligibility Document Checklist
Photo ID for all adults in the household (including children over 18)
Birth certificates for all children in the household. Or any other official document with your child’s name and birthdate
Current rental agreement including the rental address, names of adults on the lease, and signature of both landlord and tenant
PG&E bill (or other official mail sent to the current address) within the past 30 days
Proof of all income sources within the past 30 days
Any other supporting documents that pertain to the current situation (proof of emergency, bills, 3-day notice, etc.)
Please contact West Valley Community Services for information, referrals, and services by calling
(408) 255-8033 for questions about our services.
Recertification Process
You must certify your current status to access our services, including food, special programs, and emergency financial assistance every year. ​Please call 408-255-8033 or email for questions and to book an appointment for recertification.
Emergency Financial Assistance Process
West Valley Community Services offers emergency financial assistance to prevent evictions and utility cutoffs. WVCS also provides aid for transportation, clothing, and other basic needs based on eligibility and availability of resources. If you or anyone you know needs resources due to job loss or reduction in income or are caregivers of the elderly, disabled, or children, we are here to help. West Valley Community Services serves the following zip codes: 95014, 95030, 95032, 95033, 95044, 95070, 95129, and 95130.
WVCS is also a part of the Destination Home Homeless Prevention System, through which clients facing crisis receive short-term rental and utility assistance based on eligibility.
Please call 408-255-8033 for questions about emergency financial assistance and to book an appointment. Walk-ins are not allowed. Please wait for someone to contact you for an assessment.
In the 2022-2023 fiscal year:
289 households received Emergency Financial Assistance to prevent eviction, utility shutoff, and move into stable housing in the amount of $1,498,142.
4,697 men, women, and children received critical help from WVCS.
1,535 people came to WVCS for the first time.