West Valley offers various housing services that provide our clients with the necessary programs based on their needs.
Haven to Home
The Haven to Home Program was created to provide supportive services and access to stable housing resources for those experiencing homelessness and chronically homeless individuals and families. Working closely with our staff, clients secure permanent affordable housing, find and maintain employment, and work toward developing greater stability and independence. Haven to Home works towards finding both permanent and temporary housing solutions such as referrals to safe park, emergency shelter, and shared housing. West Valley Community Services partners with the Rotating Safe Car Park which operates from the north county safe car park program (
Rapid Rehousing
​The Rapid Rehousing Program helps individuals and families who are homeless move as quickly as possible into permanent housing and achieve housing stability through rental assistance and supportive services. Clients are only eligible for this program with a direct referral from Santa Clara County. To begin the process, clients should first meet with one of our case managers for pre-screening and program information. To schedule an appointment, please call (408) 255-8033.
​Vista Village & Greenwood Court Apartments
​West Valley Community Services owns and operates two apartment complexes: Vista Village and Greenwood Court. These units are managed through the City of Cupertino Below Market Rate Housing Program and offer permanent housing to low-income households.